Mediocrity Photography

By EqoZ

Alternate Golden Arches

Today our office internally celebrated its' new office space. After my sub-par photography performance at the cooking event, I was asked to take a picture or two again. Oh those fools, will they ever learn?

Well, I can't focus on portraits of people talking ALL the time, so my mind and eyes and lens drifted out the window, towards the Daniel Hoan Bridge. Aaah, calm, peaceful. Just ignore the cars zipping over it.

When I was young, I always saw pictures of the bridge, but where I lived never had us needing to drive it. Because of this, in my mind, the yellow arch was the bridge, I imagined cars zipping over this exaggerated hump like Matchbox (or Hot Wheels) cars on a plastic track. Needless to say the reality was a bit of a disappointment.

At least it was until last year, giving my not-yet-in-laws a tour of the city involved going over the bridge. Unbeknownst to me, my girl's dad is afraid of heights. I'd never seen a person white-knuckle the door handle so hard while being driven in a straight line with easy traffic. I had to stifle a laugh, but it gave me a chance to see the bridge as being just as thrilling (terrifying) to him as I imagined it to be growing up.

Thanks for that, Bill!

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