Wishful Thinking

Shall I start by telling you how outraged I am???? I just can't believe it. Apparently Tesco online have NO CAVA. That's right NO CAVA. Go check your local store. How can that be? Has a world shortage occurred and no one bothered to inform me so I could stockpile? Where is the Nanny State when you need them. I could have been down at Tesco Riverside with my jerry can stocking up to see me through this crisis.

I fear I may have to visit a *real* shop <gulp> This does not please me. Not this weekend of all weekends. Firstly, it is a long weekend for me which means I am obliged to have a wee cava. Secondly, I am entertaining on Saturday, the family (I take after my mother so more cava is required) Its a right old disaster and no mistake!

The world has gone to hell in a handcart for sure

Another wee view of the back fields. Time for a wee wine (weekend starts here) to calm my frazzled mind :)

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