All things Blipable....

By Tina

Nelson or Delilah?

The two are soo similar now..
i find myself doing what my mum used to do,going through names of all of us!

Had a crappy experience at the dentist today.
my usual dentist has left and i needed my tooth its been done twice before.
i made this appointment before our holiday, as my tooth broke the day before!

The dentist said 'I wont use anaesthetic this time' and i said 'ive never had it the last time it was repaired'**should have realised at this point that he didnt realise i was saying ive not had my tooth drilled before its just been re applied on top of the sharp edge..

anyway.. off he went..drill in hand i drowned in a sea of utter agony!
the dentist sorry BUTCHER had my mouth in his hands clamped tightly and kept saying 'stop moving it will make it hurt more..!!'in his foreign indeterminable accent

( *are there any british dentists out there STILL in the UK??)

i was sliding down the chair to escape the torture, the pain was immense..
he didnt stop..he kept on drilling! and i kept on sliding, trying to get away from the seering pain!

when he did stop i was in even more pain ~ as he blew that air thing onto my front tooth!
'its such a small problem i dont know whay its hurting you so much'
Believe me mate~it wasnt a small problem from where i was sitting!!

Im still feeling weird twinges of soreness inside my tooth..
its definitely filled better this time..but,i shant be rushing back to him..

iam now looking for another NHS dentist in trowbridge..

at least the sun has shone here today..
and Nelson & delilah always make me smile..


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