The Way of Colour

By Beachcomber149

Patches of blue ...

... is all we got today.
Not long between showers as Maeve the Deerhound will testify. We set off for our post lunch walk after waiting for what we thought was a dry spell heading our way, but got caught in some persistent light rain. We made it to Westhaven beach, but the rain came on in earnest so we sheltered behind a hedge for a minute or two then headed back home. For once Maeve was not trundling along behind, but making the pace when she realised we were heading for the house. Much doggy shaking was performed in the kitchen!

I thought I might have to use one of the pictures I took in the garden first thing before the rain set in, but I decided that extra milk would worth a trip so took the car down to the Coop and detoured to the main Carnoustie beach on the way home in hope of a shot or two.

I was frustrated sitting at the level crossing thinking one of the usual trains would be coming through, only to see a colourful freight loco go by pulling many containers on wagons. Much grumbling ensued ... I have a doggy witness!

Still, I did manage to get a shot of some sun breaking through and just about lighting up the sea :-)

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