
2years 188days

This morning, Katie has woken up especially full of it - bright eyed and bushy tailed, as they say. Although maybe bushy haired would be more appropriate. She's been dancing to the Wiggles at top speed, with a massive grin on her face. They said she'd been extra bouncy at nursery all day yesterday. Katie is bouncy normally. Extra bouncy Katie is impressive to watch, so I had to chuckle for them. It never helps when she's confined to indoors, which she was for the afternoon as the rain was too heavy.

The photo today genuinely has a background as yellow as the photo, its not been photoshopped. She's spread a blanket over the back of the sofa, I haven't quite worked out why.

Last nursery day for this week today, shes getting a bonus day off tomorrow as we've a few too many nice things to do, so I'm taking it off to spend with her and friends. With the bonus of a hire car from today til Monday! Hurrah!

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