Just Another Special Guy

By JustMichael

Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist

After lunch I checked out the pavilion of the shopping center. I just love that art, though it gets widely unnoticed, is prevalent even within a consumer culture. Because I do notice it, and I refuse to become desensitized to the wonder of it all...

As far as the relation to the Muse song, it's something to do with the fear of a dying atheist that he may wrong; that there may be a God, and mermaids and hippocamps may also exist (ah, there's another obscure relation: 'thoughts' and 'hippocampus')

The other way that this picture relates to the song is at 2:04. Listen carefully for a sound Chris makes. A fun little "easter egg" that I wasn't aware of until I read the musewiki for inspiration

Lol alot of these I don't try to match the photo to the song's content, I just take whatever photo during the day and try to match the song to it's content...

"I know you're in this room, I'm sure I heard you sigh. Floating in between where our worlds collide"

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