The Daily Mynci

By Funkymynci

The Peak

I got a few hours in at the wall tonight. That's Stuart in the picture holding the rope - another trampolining dad. A good workout tonight. This photo was at the top of my first lead in ages. There was a time when I was climbing every night of the week this time of year. It was an obsession. I would fondle brick edges as I walked past buildings and would drive 100 miles for an evening cragging. Of course, there was no time for photography in those days - but I've got a fuzzy memory head full of pictures of some of the most stunning places in Britain. I'm hoping my daughter will get into it as she gets older and drag her old man back to his old haunts in Wales, the Peak District, Cornwall and the highlands and islands. In the meantime I'll have to keep sharp on the local climbing wall and keep this gut in check...

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