
By Kaysha


What do you do with two small children when there's nothing but rain, rain, rain ? Head to soft play, along with every other family, of course.

Despite a sleepless night, for sanity's sake I had to venture out so off we went to soft play. I think I was in autopilot driving the car which is never great, but we made it there (and back!) in one piece. The place was heaving but within half an hour of being there it emptied pretty quickly. Maybe it was the glowering looks I was giving everyone within a 10 meter radius. Who cares, it worked! The kids practically had the run of the place to themselves, I managed to read a magazine and we all had a pretty nice lunch. The best soft play experience yet - for me anyway.

Have been too tired to even think about photos today so I'm afraid this is all I could muster before the kids trundled off to bed.

Praying for a good sleep, sunshine and motivation tomorrow. Or at least one of the three...

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