Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Police Oppose Support for Bradley Manning

Bradley Manning continues being court marshalled. Occupy Portland staged small demonstrations in his support at five military recruiting stations today. At the Beaverton location, where I was reporting, there were thirteen protesters and thirty-two police, a K-9 (police dog) Unit, and twelve police cars, including two vans and two large unmarked black cars. There were sheriff cars, a Trimet (transit police) car, and a massive show of force for such a small picket. The sidewalk was not blocked. No property was damaged. No grass was harmed. (Damage to the grass in the local parks has been a complaint of city officials.)

I was a reporter in the field (at Beaverton, where most of the action occurred), and this was the last shot I was able to get, before the policeman you see here approaching the camera challenged me to leave immediately or be arrested. Three protesters who shouted at the police were arrested. The rest of us left quietly, but a group of about five protesters continued to chant slogans on the sidewalk beyond the shopping mall. Adam Rothstein coordinated the "Live Blog" of these and other Occupy events in Portland and elsewhere.

For more information on Bradley Manning, who is Welsh, see Ceridwen and more of her background here.  For more pictures of today's action, see my Flickr.

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