Red Flash

By RedFlash

SP of a Camera

Here is the star of the duo ie the camera that I normally use to take my photos. Occasionally I revert back to my Sony Cybershot and even my iPhone

Ok there are also some marbles - the main focus of the photo but you can see the camera and yes, you can see me or rather my messy hair.

My daughter was going to throw the marbles out but I knew that they would be useful one day.

When I was a child, I had a tin of marbles that my sister had given me. I loved looking at them and collected more. I have no idea where they went.

I loved my marbles so much that I have been looking at collecting them again but I keep falling in love with the expensive ones - such as this one (it costs £35)

The Marble originated in Harappan civilization in Pakistan near the river Indus and were oftne mentioned in Roman literature.

I've been out of bed longer today so I am going to work tomorrow, even though I probably shouldn't. And there are far more things to photograph in London

Ps if you like cameras you might like to look at it large

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