Red Squirrel


Spring HAS Sprung!

See bigger, more beautiful blossom HERE.

The training course I'm on for 2 days is at County Hall annexe, where my department were based until Christmas - which gives me 2 chances to exit via the back entrance of County Hall for routes I haven't been able to get to for some time in my limited lunch-break. I took a few shots of plants in the road I walked down, but this one looking up into one of the Cherry trees which line the road stole the show for me, so i've blipped it. Can't wait for my flag-pole Cherry to blossom, along with my Lilac.
Today when I arrived at the annexe there were some workmen doing something to the alarm system, and one was in the way of the stairs. He politely stepped aside, and when I thanked him he said "No problem darlin' "'. And that's when my blood boiled .... lol. But then I had to laugh to myself - it made me think of yesterday when I was reading the blog with a blip that had taken my eye - the story the lady in question told of her day had me laughing like mad, about how council workmen had come to paint the external doors of her house and the chaos it almost caused in her life for some hours. One of them had called her 'love' - and she had to grit her teeth. Seems she hates being referred to as 'love', 'darling' etc by someone she doesn't actually know, or knows little. Apparently it took her 4 years to get used to her husband calling her 'love' without her wanting to smack him! lol. She's so right in my mind. I mean, meaningful endearments, between those who feel real affection - parents and their offspring/brothers & sisters/lovers (yes, even husbands!)/very close friends (delete as approriate) - are fine by me. Even used in jest is OK. But false endearments such as love/darling/sweetheart (delete as appropriate), thrown around like confetti with no real meaning are just SO, SO damned annoying. - worthless! It totally devalues the real meaning of the words. I decided there and then that I really like this woman!

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