Pink Bicycle Girl

By angelahen

Out whilst its dry

Its typical, I get a new bike and suddenly it does not stop raining! I would like to get confident on my road bike. At breakfast my personal weather man (Pete) informed me that it looked brighter this morning than originally forecast. So after posting all the ebay parcels I got togged up and off I went.

I looked at a short route on Google maps - memorised it (lol) and set off. Now me, maps and directions do not go together - probably why I choose a partner that is so good at them. I decided that I would go up Morborne Hill (has the telly and radio transmitter masts at the top) as its grumbled about a lot in our cycle club but then any hill is, and I can't remember ever going up it. Half way up I thought 'this is ok' and then I ground to a slow speed. So yeah for round here it is a hill but short and sharp. In the village of Morborne I think I was meant to go left somewhere- but in my defence it was a gated road and this did not show up on Google maps. So it meant that the next village I came to was Folksworth - which I did not expect at all. Anyway I cycled on. At Norman Cross I had the option of going along the old A1 (runs alongside the real A1) or via a housing estate. Choose the former with a view to going down bumpy New Road. New Road is a track and is full of pot holes. When I got to the turning I chickened out - and did not want to have to clean my bike as it would be wet from all the recent rain, so carried on to Haddon. From there its a short route back onto the Oundle Road (past the ever decaying badger - its about 4 weeks old now - yuck!!) and a very fast run home.

18 miles in all, and I think I am getting the hang of this new bike. Yes Pete and Gary its easier and faster up the hills and on the flat. But its much slower going down hill - but that's just scaredy pants me!!

PS just been told by Pete that my route was correct just memory failing!!

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