Through my camera's EYE

By Torvik

But there's so much fun to be had...

when you're supposed to be working that is!

My friends and I were outside taking portrait photos, and well, here we all are. People wouldn't typically call us the sharpest/brightest crayons in the crayon box, but we are definitely the most colorful! :D The guy who looks like a man eating monster... that's Mason. He's kind of a weirdo... ;) And the guy that looks like an overly excited hitch-hiker, that's Silas. He's..hmm... he's a super duper tall kid who likes to tease those who're MUCH, MUCH shorter than him...aka me. The lovely lady who photographed this amazing group, her name is Mary. She's in quite a few of my past blips. :)

Anyways, here's to the rest of the week!

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