The Keighley Gate Road
It's been an odd day today, which has found me more into my work than into my cycling! I've finally got a chance to do something new and interesting so I've been more engaged at the computer than I've been for a while. Strangely, though, following a relatively relaxing weekend with more sleep than I usually manage to get, I've felt really lethargic. There was nothing in the legs at all today. I've long held a theory that too much sleep is bad for you so perhaps that's the problem!
On these occasions I nowadays try to listen to the body so, going back the long way around, I made a decision to cut the route short and head back over the old Keighley Gate road. This is the way I come on the mountain bike, but there is a mile of rough track in the middle so I've never actually ridden it on the road bike before. In the event it was alright to ride, taken steadily, although I don't intend to make a habit of it.
This is a view looking pretty much due west from the high point on the road, just before the gate, over towards Pendle Hill in the far distance. To the left is the forestry plantation on Rivock Edge with Sutton Pinnacle beyond. It looks rather wild up here. It certainly was tonight. And very cold too. The summer we had back in March feels like a long time ago now.
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