Scrawny Old Man

By richtoller

Coldside Library

Carnegie library opened in 1908 and I'm glad to say still a library. I worked there for a while many years ago and never paid much attention to the architecture, it was just work - but it does look rather fine as you come down Caird Avenue.

Too busy to take any photos yesterday. We had a great day celebrating the opening of our renewed church building and Alan Donaldson, General Director of Baptist Union of Scotland, led the dedication and preached a challenging sermon - now you've got this lovely building, will you keep it or give it away? God loves to give and has given us this facility so that we can give it away for the use of the community. And more than that, we have to give ourselves away for those who need us.
After the service, talked to a lot of people who came for the special occasion, posed for a press photographer (there's a rather gruesome photo of me with Alan Donaldson in today's Dundee Courier - quite prominent on the Courier website too - and a link on the local news page of the BBC website).
Then home for lunch at 3 with Alan and a couple of others - and when they left Mrs RT and I collapsed. Tired, happy, aware that this is just the beginning but ready to go and see the work develop slowly.
Then the best night's sleep in ages.

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