Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Hi Mack!

Alan died in 2002. He was a good friend, I'd known him since the early 70's when he was a 'go-fer' in the stock car stadium my pal operated. Alan was a very likeable, unassuming fellow. He was also in his early forties.

The gold coloured Mack Bulldog was a gift from him, a totally unexpected one as he didn't have much spare cash. He worked for me for a while and he knew I loved US trucks so after a trip there to see some NASCAR racing he brought this back to say "Thanks for the job".

It won't have been cheap, it was a commemorative issue from the Mack dealership in Charlotte NC. The price isn't the point - it is the thought that counts. I sometimes I wished I was more like that.

One morning he shouted downstairs, "Mam I think I'm dying". By the time she got there he had. Poor bugger.

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