Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

St George's Day

A bit of a lazy indoor blip today, a red rose for St George's Day.

Roses do not bloom in my garden in April so until I looked it up I did not know why the rose should be the emblem, although it is our national flower.

However, the 23 April, AD 303, is supposedly the day he died, according to the Julian calendar, this corresponds to 6 May for the Gregorian calendar. It was raining and cold this morning and when I briefly looked outside I could not find any dragons to blip.

Traditionally a red rose, our national flower, is worn in the buttonhole today, so here we have an artificial red rose for St George's Day. Unfortunately we do not celebrate St George's day with fireworks or holidays, although Scouts and Guides parade through the streets and attend special services at their local church on the nearest Sunday to 23 April.

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