
By Appreciation

I have felt the sun return this weekend. Both to my garden and to my heart. It's a pleasant feeling. Yesterday I made a long overdue strawberry patch at the allotment and brought home the first of the rhubarb for stewing - that's always a ceremonial moment - the first of the new seasons produce. All hail the king rhubarb.

Sunday is always a very busy day for us. Today I had to relinquish all driving to my man. His bottom hadn't hit a seat until 5 minute ago. I had a pang of guilt until I remembered he often leaves me with it all to do when he is away so it's ok for him to take over. My poor car needed a jump started for the girl's driving instruction - it is feeling neglected.

My boy and his team fought a nervous battle today to take victory and secure their place in the final of the Scottish Hearts Federation Cup. The final is this Thursday evening at Tynecastle, home of Heart of Midlothian. I expect it will be the highlight of his footballing career and despite being the very wrong side of the town for us - if you listen carefully on Thursday night you may hear me screaming for joy as they snatch the cup. Oh to dream. My dad would have something to say about the venue for sure but I know he would be so very, very proud of my boy. I hope he's got his seat booked already.

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