
By Fiona50

Didcot Power Station

A sight familiar to anyone who drives up the A34 from the South to the Midlands and now really an iconic building. Saw eldest son, Ben this weekend and took him to Didcot station to go back to Bristol. I have been wanting to take a picture of the famous towers for a while as I travel this road pretty much every second Sunday on caring duties for my Mum and finally got the opportunity -although had to drive round quite a while to find a place where it was possible to stop and get a decent view.

Kit Wright wrote an Ode to the Power Station which just about sums it up

What vasty thighs outspread to give thee birth,
DIDCOT, thou marvel of the plain?
Colossal funnels of the steamship EARTH,
Thy consummate immensity
Enshrines the rare propensity
Of fumes to form eternal acid rain!
While, in their pious hosts, Romano-Celtic ghosts
Are knelt to worship thy
All-belching amphorae,
And shadows of thy sacrificial breathing fill the sky!

You might have got a picture of Sue MacGregor as she was chairing a discussion on book groups that I went to this morning as part of the Chipping Norton Literary Festival.. but it was small gathering and I felt too inhibited. However Trisha and I felt very smug about our book group having heard some of the other tales -we really do have a very sustaining group!

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