A Night to Remember

Heading back home again, time for a last snap through the window of the plane at Houston's IAH airport. This North Atlantic crossing was done on the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic - albeit in the opposite direction and on a KLM 747. When we were roughly in the area where the ship went down (on 15th) I spent a long time looking out the window into the blackness below thinking on the epic struggles of the engineers to keep her afloat as long as possible; the crazy notion that anything is unsinkable and of course not having enough lifeboats. Even in a lifeboat, the North Atlantic is a big cold wide place and its very very dark. Must have been a nightmare down there on that night a century ago. No moon tonight, but plenty of stars. No dramas on my journey, reckon most people on the plane didn't even realise where they were ...

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