earning her keep

I've had a garden helper today - after doing some weeding we planted 3 kinds of salad, rocket, beetroot, mangold, 2 kinds of basil, 2 kinds of sunflower, 2 kinds of courgette, 3 kinds of pumpkin, cucumbers and some flowers that I've forgotten the names of (3 kinds...)
Apparently, every time I spend time working in the garden I say "well, now it looks a bit more like a garden"
At some point I'll probably say "oh, NOW it looks EXACTLY like a garden" but I might be 90 before that happens as I have very clear ideas of what a garden actually looks like.

This weekend is pretending to be a normal working week as I am not only single parenting, I am also driving kids to things. And doing housework, baking and gardening. Actually, maybe I've just broken free of the chains that tell me that weekends have to be different to the rest of the week? If I put a positive spin on this, I can claim emancipation from mental slavery.....

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