Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


I was going to blip this (which I took this morning)

But a quick snap of Ferd won - well who could resist?

I didnt go to my support in work meeting :( I slept through the alarm and when I did wake up - there was still time to make it - I felt sooo rough that I had to cancel. Think I might have an infection brewing :( Anyway after attempting to answer the wrong phone Mr Mouse sent me back to bed and said that he could change his plans for the afternoon.

But I did get a chance to see a bracelet I made on TV before being sent to bed.

I woke up feeling a bit better and able to drive so asked Mr Mouse if he still wanted to go (only an hour later than planned), I dropped Mr Mouse off and took the opportunity to go to a country park with Ferd.

Ferd ran after a coot, then Ferd swam after the coot and I was left on the bank of the lake frantically trying to get him to come back. Have no idea what the 2 fishermen in the row boat thought - most likely something along the lines of if your dogs not trained shouldnt be off the lead!!!!

Anyway Ferd is trained - he just decided that coots warrant ignoring the recall command. Grrrr I swear he just likes to show me up and pretend. I ended up having to use angry Mummy voice and even then he did a sort of slow meander back with an attempt at a deviation.

So on the lead he went - which then meant I got pulled every which way as there were ducks. Ferd has decided we chase ducks (apparently one gave him lip over on the canal the other week). Honestly again he is trained - just goes right out of his head (he is two so we are in the 'teenage' phase).

He was sort of drying out - well a little less soggy - when it pissed it down with hail as we were heading back to the car.

So one very wet Ferd and one very wet Littlemouse.

Collected Mr Mouse (who brought me out a cup of coffee) drove home put on dry clothes. COLD. Mr Mouse put the heating on for me.

Think I am getting a cold.

Cant believe how rubbish the weather is - this time 3 years ago we would have been seriously panicking with our wedding and garden party 5 days away.

Shouldn't moan - we do need the rain (but I would like to take one pair of socks off)

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