Little Kingdom

By icemaiden

Making Shapes

We went to H's friend Kerr's house for lunch and a playdate today. Another friend J was also there with her baby girl L who is about 8 weeks older than O. It's the first time I had seen her, and it was funny to see that L and O are about the same size despite their age. H and Kerr chased each other around the house, cuddling at various opportunities but apart from that, didn't really play together much until the Play Doh came out when they both sat happily and got creative. H also went for a walk in the rain with Kerr, Kerrsmummy and Fudge the dog whilst I stayed in to feed O.

Poor O has had some rather nasty nappies in the past couple of days and is very distressed with passing wind. Hubby popped to the pharmacists and we are starting him on Infacol tonight. Fingers crossed it eases his discomfort as he is a happy little thing and it's horrible to see him distressed at times.

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