A year off the river

By myotherlife

Going round in circles

Sometimes it just seems like never-ending circles, revisiting the same old stuff and doing the same old things. I didn't want to get up, the client decided to revisit the same decisions, it rained again on the cycle home, the hill in Richmond Park is still too steep and I couldn't find a blip.

Luckily though it is Friday, I'm now dry and cosy and I remembered I'd taken this photo in the jewellery gallery at lunchtime. It was really busy there (it was raining outside) and it was really only a quickly caught shot with the intention of going back some other time to do a proper shot. But I kind of like the slightly odd angle, the fact that the ISO on the camera was still on 1600 from night shots earlier in the week and the burnt out highlights. Wouldn't win a technical prize...

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