Dear Mum and Dad

12 years ago you handed me a letter. It was the speech Dad wanted to give at my wedding but couldn't. So this is what I wanted to say before I left today but couldn't! I'm not really sure I can formulate the words even now, despite thinking what I wanted to say for months now!

Thank you doesn't seem enough but that sums it up. Thank you for being my parents and doing it so well. For providing that security that I take for granted. For always being there.

Thank you for letting me make my mistakes but being there to pick up the pieces. For encouraging me to be the person I want to be. For gently (and sometimes not so gently) nudging me in the right direction.

Thank you for giving me so many happy memories. The camping holidays in the rain, Madonna col bambino, the Wicked Witch, boozy nights in the Ferry, big dinners in the kitchen, Round table do's, Shetland ponies in the back garden, never going the same way twice, Friday night taxi services, gardening, plums, BdeV, Band, strange naked men on beaches, car body shops in the kitchen, Wild Indians and so much more.

Thank you for being such doting and supportive grandparents. For unconditionally loving my children and showing it to them. For wanting to spend time with them and enjoying them doing their own thing. For giving help and advice without being pushy.

Thank you for teaching me about what really matters, respect for other people regardless of skin colour, religion or the country they were born in. For making me want to be part of a community and getting involved rather than standing back and waiting for it to happen. For encouraging me to accept the things I cannot change and concentrate on the things I can.

I am proud to be your daughter. I love and respect you both so much. If I am even half the parent to my bunch that you have both been to me, I will be happy. I think you finished your letter with the words, be happy.

I am.

Carolyn xx

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