Blush response

By Esper

Princess Kaguya

Once upon a time in Kyoto, an old man was cutting down some stalks in a bamboo forest. As he cut through one of the stalks, he noticed a bright light emanating from inside. When he looked inside the bamboo stalk, he was astonished to find a baby girl nestled within. The old man took the baby girl home to his wife and, as they had no children of their own, they took her to be their heaven-sent daughter. They named her Kaguya.

Kaguya grew up to be a beautiful young woman. Not surprisingly, she was often approached by hopeful suitors. Yet Kaguya kept them all at bay by setting impossible tasks to achieve as the price for her hand in marriage; to fetch the branch that grows on the tree of gold; to bring her the ball from around the dragon's neck; the skin from a fire mouse.

One day, the King of Kyoto heard of Kaguya's beauty and he vowed to marry her. He sent out his soldiers to bring her to him. However, the day before, Kaguya confided in her father that she was really a princess from the moon and that, the following day, she must return to the moon. The King's of Kyoto's soldiers were unable to stop the King of the Moon's soldiers as they carried Kaguya back to the moon in a flying carriage surrounded by beautiful servant ladies.

The End

I had no blipfoto today until, at 2100, Kazuko presented me with this chocolate which she bought for me today. I wonder when Kazuko will have to return to the moon?

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