Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Rhododendrons in Cut Wood Park.

The sunshine and mild weather were very welcome here this morning, so after doing some housework, and buying the newspaper, I went in search of a beautiful blip. I have been magnetically attracted to pink flowers this week. I think it is to do with the feminine energy they exude at this time of year.
Cut Wood Park is looking splendid at the moment with daffodils and bluebells and these fabulous pink rhododendrons are in full bloom.
There were many other lovely blip opportunities, including a doggie chasing a squirrel, red tulips on a grass verge, the raised beds at the station and bright orangey red azaleas in a front garden.
The weather has now changed to lots of low grey cloud and it is colder.
Glad I went out earlier!
The university talk at the college last evening was very well presented and lasted nearly an hour and a half . It consisted of a power point presentation and a time to ask questions.There are so many considerations, the funding of it and much research needs to be done.
We are now deciding on the five universities that are best suited to Maria's chosen career path, which is journalism.
I hope you all have a really good weekend.

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