Today's Special

By Connections

Not a Picnic in the Park

For my 200th blip, I'd hoped to repeat this well-received scenic view, or find another contemplative duck at Lake Padden Park, or perhaps do another heartfelt still life, or engage again in shadow play.

Alas, the weather -- heavily overcast --- conspired against me. I spent 10am t0 2pm outside, doing unskilled tasks while our landscape artist, A, did her magic with both vision and strength to help tame the wilderness that was the front garden. Bypassing lunch entirely (that shows how busy my day was!), I did several errands after the gardening, and decided that lamb Manpies would be the ideal supper on a cool, overcast -- and now rainy -- evening.

As I parked outside the store, I noticed the new sign on their notice board, promoting Manpies as picnic fare. "A bit premature with that," I thought, but I still enjoyed being next to the big cheerful sun, and decided that the sun's smile was a good stand-in for my smile whenever I think about Blipfoto.

I can't think when I've enjoyed myself as much as I have over the past 199 days as I searched out/planned/discovered/stumbled across photos and wrote about them, as well as the wonderful connections that have grown over those days with other Blippers on several continents. Thanks to all who have stopped by, and I hope to see you back again tomorrow!

And a special thank you to Pilipo, who encouraged me to join this happy throng!

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