LAM leap year

By LindaMac


Weather wet and very windy today so decided at lunch time to go for a walk instead of my run.
A section of our run is through Aston Hall park and to commemorate the London Olympics the pathways have famous past Olympians feats from Track and Field events laid out as footprints.
I was impressed by the footprints of Bob Beamon a 22-year old New York native, who barely qualified for the Mexico City 1968 Olympic long jump finals after fouling in two of his qualifying runs.
The day of the finals Beamon took off down the runway after exactly 19 loping strides, he stretched out his legs and flew through the air like no one ever had. He hit the sand in the pit at 29ft 21/2inches. Shattering the world record. This record lasted 23 years.
I decided to try the 19 strides.

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