Friday: St Mark's Cathedral

I had the afternoon off today so that Mum and I could undertake activities of a touristy nature.  We went to the Museum of Broken Relationships which is a wonderfully quirky little museum, full of items, and stories, donated by people following the demise of relationships.  Some very quirky items in there, including an axe used by someone to chop up an ex's furniture......

This evening we went off to some Slovenian wine tasting at a bar in the suburbs.  It was the first time our SatNav let us down.  There were two streets of the same name - when we found ourselves in the middle of a dubious housing estate, with somewhat inebriated characters lolling in doorways I thought to myself: 'Darn, those Slovenians know how to throw a party!'  Imagine my disappointment when we turned out to be in entirely the wrong place.

And this is St Mark's Cathedral, as if the title hadn't already told you.......

P.S.  When Rae was here last weekend, she challenged me to blip people!  She will be glad to see I complied....if you look carefully!

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