Open Fire!

After a couple of hours battling with the craft shop's website this morning, we rewarded ourselves with a good long walk. Scratch and Ollie hurtled round, exhausting themselves, as we headed round the cliffs of Hoxa Head.

It was a defence position during both World War 1 and World War 2, and the remains of the battery are still there, including this chimney breast. Looks very strange, in splendid isolation, but not far away are all the gun emplacements and concrete look outs. Fascinating place and well worth a visit or at least a read about.

Needless to say Ollie and Scratch were plastered in mud by the time we got back to the car, so we rubbed them down and protected the front seats as best we could before heading to the cafe for a soup and sandwich!

And the cushion owner (see yesterday's blip) was thrilled with the result and paid me handsomely, so all in all a smashing morning.

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