Ruth's Challenge 60 fotos

By Ruth60

Satsuma Manjo

Manjo (they spelt his name wrong on his charity vest!!) wore his London marathon kit to work today. He's raising money for Lepra. Manjo donated £1 for this blip to MSRC and has been very supportive to my fundraising so far. To sponsor Manjo go to

3 days to the marathon. Last physio app this evening and now all massaged and taped ready for the big day.

My mum would have been 60 this year but sadly she died from MS 12 years ago. To mark this anniversary I'll be doing various challenges throughout the year to raise money for the MS Resource Centre. Uploading a daily blip is just one of them. If you like this blip please donate by texting chal60 £1 to 70070. (UK only)

To find out about the other challenges, or donate online Thanks 

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