Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Bite Me - Bite Me - Bite M- ... YES!

Corra trying to get Loki to play bitey face with her. She was successful :) The two of them were romping around like maniacs after our evening walk. (and in the background you can see Mr. Badger's head ... he got caught in the crossfire several times ;) - poor man was just trying to read dogs!)

I was happy to see that Loki seems to be feeling pretty good. His vet called us yesterday to inform us that Loki tested positive for anaplasmosis :( It is a disease transmitted by deer ticks (similar to Lyme) that causes fevers, swollen/sore joints, vomitting, diarhea, neurological issues, and (rarely) death. Poor guy. Then I started to feel really guilty since I had heard him cry out randomly a few times in recent memory when he'd move - but there was no obvious reason for it. And it's been much harder getting him to run around. I thought it was the change in temperature, since he's not a big fan of the heat. Now I am not too sure =\ I know I shouldn't beat myself up over this, the treatment is pretty simple (3 weeks on an antibiotic) and the prognosis is very good - he should be feeling fine within a few days. I just feel bad since it is my job to look out for him :( I feel like I let him down. He is getting extra cuddles and treats as he recovers though, so hopefully that will make the guilt go away ;)

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