Dai Urnal-Instants

By DaiUrnal

Jaguars hate pelicans...

...because of the large bill.

Selfish parking is one of the large fat bees buzzing around my bonnet, so I try to make light of the issue in order not to bore all of my friends too much, but I just had to blip this.

The woman driver appeared shaken but unhurt after perching her 3yo Jaguar on this Pelican Crossing light-standard. Having often stood on that central island waiting to cross in one direction or the other, I'm especially happy no-one was doing the same at the time she performed this feat. Though how she failed to see the island, bollard and traffic light standard, I have no idea.

That's one advantage of the usual congestion on the A4 London Road into Bath; traffic is not normally moving so fast as to pose too lethal a hazard to pedestrians.

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