A Dog's Dinner

By G

The Man With Beuys Hat

Today I had the pleasure of taking afternoon tea with artist, impresario, producer and lover of the avant-garde Richard Demarco.

I discovered, through Feorlean's Blip that Mr Demarco documents his life using photographs and has done so for many years so we had to have a chat.

An enjoyable few hours was spent talking about art, artists and his remarkable archive. He has worked and helped promote many of the great artists of the twentieth century encouraging new and exciting art forms along the way and has a record of everything.

One of his proteges was the amazing Joseph Beuys and he brought him to Edinburgh seven times to show and create works. Beuys who went on to become one of the worlds most influential artists holds a special place in the archive.

There are 'works' drawings, prints and even his famous felt hat.

Expect a new and exciting Blipper very shortly.

* When I 'accused' him of being an unreconstructed Dadaist he laughed and rushed to get me a copy of a lecture he gave saying why he had given up on Dada.

Lovely man.

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