This finally arrived!
I ordered it several weeks ago from eBay, and this is a replacement of the first one that appears to have got lost in the post.
I don't think I have confessed this on Blip up to now - but I collect car stickers - and I have done since I was seventeen with my first little Mini. Everyone knows that if in doubt they can spot my car as being the one covered in random (some amusing, some controversial, others plain boring) car stickers! It is usually an organic process - the proliferation of stickers increases with the number of years I have the car. Sadly, whenever I change cars (which is not very frequently it has to be said) some stickers get damaged beyond repair and cannot be moved to the newer car. So this is my replacement sticker for my Obama '08 that was proudly displayed on Sophie, my old '02 Scenic (I'm on Sophie Too now).
One amusing side effect of covering my car in stickers is that Mr A is always dubious of driving cars with things like "Does my bum look big in this?" and "Johnny on board (Capital FM)" stickers! He certainly gets some strange looks...and he's not looking forward to another Obama sticker either.
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