send me back to the wild!

By davidpritchard

Tokens of a former life

This is a collection of some the State quarters that I accumulated before leaving the US a few years ago. Unfortunately there were another ten circulated after I left, so I've not got the full set. However, I do have one for each of the eleven states I have set foot in, so that's something at least. What I've tried to do with this shot is to angle the coin for the state that I've spent the most time in, and come to feel the most affection for, so that it caught more light than the others. The Pemaquid Point lighthouse which appears on it is one of over 60 lighthouses in Maine, and one which I photographed on my last visit.

Nikon D300; Tamron 18-270mm PZD @ 270mm; ISO 200; F/13; 1/200s. VC on.

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