Today we traveled across the border to the George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary in Delta, B.C. Since Ian is a birder, we went there so he could take some bird photos. We were Arvin, me, my brothers Dave and Steve, and Ian. We've all been before so we knew what to expect.
There were not as many birds as usual as the main migratory birds are not there at this time. But we did see a lot of the regulars: Mallards, Widgeons, a pair of Wood Ducks, Canada Geese, four young Sand Hill Cranes and some Scaup. This young male was near the entrance to the wetlands. He looks best large. The day turned very cold and windy so we didn't stay as long as we had planned.
While there we saw huge groups of birds wheeling in the sky at a distance. As we left the park we drove in the direction where we had seen the wheeling birds. We met several photographers who had seen a Peregrine Hawk chasing Dunlins. That was what we had seen way off in the distance. Soon we spotted the Peregrine Hawk and a beautiful Harrier Hawk who chased him and then flew very near to where we were. Ian got a great photo of him.
By this time we were all very cold and hungry so we stopped at a restaurant in Ladner for a late afternoon dinner. It was yummy. We had a bit of a wait crossing the border coming home due to a mix up with Ian's passport. But all ended well and while Dave drove home, the rest of us had a quick game of Idiot Bridge before heading off to bed, or in my case, off to post my photo of the day.
Now it is almost midnight so I'm heading to bed myself. I'll try to catch up on comments tomorrow.
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