New Experiences

We took the Cygnet to Butterfly World today.

He was facinated by all these colourful things fluttering about and was really interested in the one on his hand.

He managed to grab the gossamer one that was on SWMBOs finger but when it was retrieved it flew off apparently okay.
I found them very hard to shoot because the focusing seemed to have trouble in picking them out.

The snakes and the blue tongued skink went down a storm and the laughed like a drain at them for some reason.
Not so keen on the giant millipede when it was put in his hands though - but he didn't freak out which was a definate plus.

My new experience was having my wireless mouse explode in my hand this evening.
That nearly induced a heart attack and I am still not convinced I haven't ruined my underwear.

Guess what we are doing tomorrow..................
(it may involve shoving a non functioning mouse where the sun don't shine and a sales assistant)

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