Now I know that I am adored by all and I love you too. Each and every one and this is great, (85 stars is not to be sniffed at) AND it does smell great if I do sniff ... Where was I... Oh yes...But the purpose of this journal was to tell everyone about where I live and why I just love it AND show you all so you will understand, SO I am NOT in this shot AND I would have never thought of disturbing it as we (The Boss and I) are story tellers and this image is telling a story, about light.
Light is the very essence of photography, it makes the difference, it creates the mood and as we walked down the lakeside track this morning the light was doing it's thing so The Boss and I did ours. Well actually he made some pictures and I had a drink. ( I have mentioned before about the tiny controls on cameras).
The water in Lake Wanaka is great. I love it. After 30 minutes up the shore I am dying for a drink and The Boss seems distracted by a post in the water so we both get what we want. Water and light. And we are both satisfied I think.
Oh, maybe I had a (burp!) bit too much.
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