Country File

By marypot

View from the upstairs window

Thank you for all the comments on yesterday's blip - it certainly brought lots of sprouts lovers out of the closet. Brilliant!!!

Tired tonight, so took a quick photo out the window just before Grace's bathtime. This is the view from the our upstairs landing window, looking out the back of the house. The field is the same one we look out of from the back of the living room (one that Hubby and I have blipped from several times in the past). It's a glorious view to have, especially on a sunny evening like tonight. I know we're lucky. Actually the view is a lot prettier and more vast than this, except it is obscured by a huge telegraph pole and an old shed, as you can see here.

Struggling at work today. The tiredness and sore throat from the glandular fever is still making things so much harder than usual.

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