Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Love is....

an Aunt who is only 11 and let's you do as you please and not tell you off,unlike the Nanz (me) who gets cross when you try and break into the cupboard to retrieve spray on de-scaler......Jake is wily,he knows she gives in.. I told him off and he ran to her as if he had been thrashed,the tiny tyrant...
Well...... I was most furious this morning,loaded my car with the girls and the dogs and popped key in the ignition and NOTHING.. dead.as.a.doornail.No earthly reason why the battery should be flat,nothing left on,as my car makes noises for things that are on that should not be on if you get my drift.
Oddly the boot and the central locking now decide to pack up and we have to lean over the back seats and free the dogs..... so pile into Mr W car as he was not leaving for a meeting till 11am.... ANYWAY... Mr W phones rescuey man thingy,he sorts battery everything comes back to life (I must add the car did not respond to us jumping it with another vehicle) Slimfast (owner of Freddie dog and godson Sam) walks the dogs.. THANK YOU :D and I miss out going shopping with DDLC and my Zoe... BUT DDLC remembers my pecan danish and brings me TWO :D THANK YOU :D Zoe wanted one for Mr W but I ate it to save him from himself.... then looked after Satan #2 (my Jakey) after school (Satan #1 being Onslow/Domonic) ...
I have a SHOCKING headache,it began at 4am this morning,sorry if I am slow on the comments tonight xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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