The back of Schiehallion
There is a Scottish toast "To the back of Schiehallion !" which means to the whole of Scotland , as the Mountain of Schiehallion lies almost in the middle of Scotland, so it's back , depending how you approach it, faces the whole country. It's conical shape also makes a definition of "the back" hard to make!
There is also a song called "Here's to the back of Schiehallion" recorded by the nationalist duo "Gaberlunzie".
I pass the mountain when going to Inverness from home as I usually take a short cut over the hills from Loch Tay , via Fortingall ( allegedly the birth place of Pontius Pilate and home to the oldest living tree in Europe, the Fortingall Yew) and Tummel Bridge to join the A9 just north of the House of Bruar.
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