Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

Pets as therapy chick.

Roo had a visit this afternoon at the children's hospice Acorn, we aren't allowed to take photos with the children which is a shame as when we got there we met a two year old being fed by a tube through her nose she was sitting on her nurses knee enjoying a cuddle, Roo made a bee line for the nurse snuggled up alongside then climbed on the knee and gently pushed himself against this poorly kid, the little hand slowly stoked him and he looked up and gave a little kiss.

We also met the acorn media girl who is to do a piece on Roo on the acorn children's hospice Facebook page in the next couple of days so please join and befriend them.

Tomorrow yours magazine for team Roo.

Chickens trying his hardest to push in and get patted!!!!

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