"Chips, who said chips?"

"Actually no thanks, Mandy, I've just remembered how fat I got last summer so I'm on a strict diet this year."

Thanks for all your good wishes, I spent yesterday evening with a friend in Wiltshire, quite close to Stonehenge. There is something very special and calming about the whole area, but with the help of some Champagne, some cock au vin with extra vin, but no extra cock, I slept like a log.

We were celebrating the fact that M will be carrying - and running with, the Olympic torch in July. Having competed in the Olympics herself, (Seoul 1988) and now involved with coaching she is a worthy torch carrier.

Today has been restorative indeed. Now in North Devon, I have been for a long coastal walk in glorious sunshine, but with a bitterly cold wind blowing onshore I did not attempt a swim. I had fish and chips for lunch, sitting on the sea wall, which is where I came across this handsome chap eyeing me up.

This evening it's off to the pub with friends, old and new.

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