everyday another photo

By sarahphilp

many many buddhas

After our practice this morning Gill, Beate and I went out for a wee tour of the nearby area. We went to a temple where we found a room filled with Buddhas, it was a bit creepy at first because they felt real (but dead). They were all slightly different and there was a huge reclining Buddha and a slightly scary looking one with funny eyes.

We then went on to see the mummified monk who died in 1973 and was mummified sitting in lotus, he still has hair but his eyes fell out/ decomposed...I'm not sure which...and so they put raybans on him!!!! There was a lot of people to se the monk, a lot of thai people who were shaking little pots of sticks (each one has a number on it) to tell their fortune....so naturally we had a go. Apparently, if i have a court case, I will win...good to know!

After that we went to a waterfall which was a little bit underwhelming but it was a good trip out. On the way back we were too tired to talk! The heat is incredible really. We have a workshop this afternoon too so a pretty busy but a very good day.

Tomorrow is another day and we will see what it brings both in terms of yoga and the sun burn...although I did get some lovely aloe vera gel from the lady in the Spa today so here's hoping tomorrow is over the worst.

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