Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Is it 5 0'clock yet?

Half an hour ago whilst sitting back staring blankly at the pooter screen (admiring the morning's day job work) I thought, that's today's Blip. It's very much part of my life this. Post it.

Today has been grim. And it's not over. Mrs B is feigning some sort of flu disease. This morning I had to make my own tea and coffee and even lunch. These hands weren't made for working over a hot stove! Now she's pretending to be asleep so I have a dilemma. Do I shake her when it's time to get the dinner sorted or do I bang around so she'll wake up 'naturally'? Tricky one.

I was going to Blip a pic of Mrs B comatose on the settee but I thought better of it. She can be funny at times. Best let sleeping dogs lie. Ssshhhh.....

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