Dreamy Andrea's Journal

By dreamyandrea


Today was a good day.

Sam came over and did me a big favor. He also engaged me in a serious discussion about the current political situation. He helped me come to the conclusion that I am an independent and may be unable to vote at all in this upcoming election. Neither candidate seems to share my views. The Republican ideals of fiscal conservatism and a limited role in government are ones that I hold but the current situation reflects a poor adherence to those ideals.

Here's what I want in an American Leader?
1. Someone who loves America and isn't ashamed to be an American.
2. Someone that is pro clean energy and doesn't hold on to the idea that drilling for more oil and giving tax breaks to the oil will bring oil prices down. This is a global economy!!!!!
3. Someone that will allow the free market system to actually work and stop "socializing losses and privatizing gains" (stole that phrase from Bloomberg). Punish the fraudulent lenders that sought to confuse and profit off of the ill informed Americans.
4. Someone who will make this country a world leader in education.
5 Someone that will allow companies that are creating better quality, safe products to succeed. Tax these cheap foreign imports and keep unsafe items out of this country.
6. Someone that will ensure affordable preventive care not free obesity care. (Yes, I might be a closet Fat-ist)
7. A leader that will maintain a strong informed military. Reward these soldiers that have served with education and the means to pursue a life outside the military after honorable service.
8. Fair taxes for our citizens, don't punish success.
9. Fair taxes for big business, why are they getting these huge breaks?
10. Someone that cares about our national parks and natural habitats.
11. Someone that will see that we have access to safe, faster mass transit.

I'm very conflicted and even ignorance is no longer blissful. Today is the day I've decided to lose the bimbo act (I've already snagged the perfect hubby) and become an informed American. Unfortunately it's not going to be easy. The information is not clear. The television has become a propaganda machine. I love Glenn Beck but I know he is very one sided. Fox News is just plain dumb. The internet is such a mixed bag. The books are out there but they are very expensive I mean come on $32 for Woodwards War Within? Why is it so hard to get educated on what these candidates stand for? Why don't we have journalists that just shoot it to us straight the good, the bad, and the ugly. Why has this become such a game? Well gotta go, I've got some gumshoeing to do.

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