
By Cari

Nature Heart

Dear Diary,
Ok. Just kidding. But, that is how this kind of is. My 'diary' entry for the day. It is now called journaling. Can you even find diaries anymore? Like the ones from when I was little? With cute ponies or butterflies or flowers or colorful peace signs. You know, the ones that came with a lock and key. I always hid that key so NO ONE could read my diary. Like that lock was going to keep anyone out! But, it sure did make it feel secure. :) No. Now we have journals. And, I have chosen to journal my way to 50. My 365 day project. My one year of photos and journal entries chronicling the year to my half century mark. So, some of my entries may be silly, or odd, or 'what the heck?' but I know they will mean something when I look back on them!
So, why did I use this photo today? Well, cuz I panicked. again. It was a rare lazy day for us. We just hung around the house doing nothing. Well, we swam so we were somewhat active. We got ready to go do some errands but instead laid on the couch and watched movies all afternoon. It was drizzly out so I didn't want to walk around looking for a photo op. So, here it is. My special nature heart right outside my front door! I used it as an emergency blip before but wanted to use it again so it makes it into my bound journal at the end of my journey!

I hope everyone had a very wonderful weekend!

Happy Sunday

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