The rest of forever...

By DrMac

We're home, Dad!

What a day! And a long one, given that I've lost five hours in the time zone changes! And such a lot of backblipping to be done!

So...last night I was on a plane from Kathmandu to Bahrain. I arrived just after midnight and didn't have an onward when I went to collect it in Bahrain I was pleasantly surprised...I got upgraded to BUSINESS CLASS!!! WOOHOO!! I left Bahrain at 2.45am local time and had an awesome flight...sleep, food, drinks and such a relaxing flight...what a life rich people lead!

As I got off the plane I realised I had been sat behind Tim Henman who was in the back row of First Class...can't believe how tall and good looking he is in real life! We were together for the passport biometric scanning and I was dying to take his picture...but too embarrassed to ask him!

So...then it was Heathrow Express, tube, train, taxi and HOME!
Followed by washing, hoovering, dusting, floor mopping blah blah blah...all the rubbish jobs. Then food shopping and finally I picked up these little beauties!

Tea has been eaten and now it is definitely bedtime...much back blipping to do but I'll try and catch up over the next few days. I have added the 3rd and 4th of April which starts the trip off!

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